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In eastern Russia, there is a territory the size of California that is home to more bears than people. Over in Myanmar, you can find a subtropical forest so dense and uninviting to humans that it's one of the few remaining places in the world where tigers roam free and in abundance. And then, much closer to home, we have the most fascinating natural habitat of all, the Gooch!

What is a Gooch?  Do Men & Women Have It? 

 A Gooch is a slang term for the Perineum which is the tissue located between a man's ball sac and his butt hole.  This is a sensitive area for men that can be stimulated for sexual pleasure.  The Gooch is exclusive to male anatomy, women do not have a Gooch.

remote land

Things you might want to know about a Gooch

  • The Gooch is one of the most neglected parts of the human body
  • It is located between the balls and butt hole on a man
  • You should be cleaning it daily
  • The Gooch is an erotic hotspot that can help you orgasms when stimulated
  • The mans perineum is the Gooch which you can play with, known as an external prostate massage

Do guys have a taint or Gooch? 

Both!  Well, they basically are the same thing. In medical terms, the Gooch is the Perineum. Although those without an MD after their name may have heard it referred to more commonly as the taint , Gooch, or grundle.

Diagram of a Gooch

taint or gooch diagram


For those into their etymology (that's the origin of words for the bad boys and girls who didn't pay attention at school), some believe that Gooch is a play on the world cooch.

This Gooch definition is unverifiable, but it is also an error if true. Cooch is slang for the female vagina, and so saying Gooch in this manner would suggest it's the male form of said vagina. This can't be true as both sexes possess this most hallowed area. 

The answer to what is a Gooch on a man is the same as that which asks what a Gooch on a woman is. It is simply the middle area between your anus and your twig and berries, or vagina, depending on who you are. 

What does a Gooch do? 

The Gooch does not really do anything in particular, its a spot on the body that exists.  It can be stimulated for pleasure and it definitely should be cleaned for hygienic purposes. 

Clearly not blessed with much luck when it comes to its geographical positioning on the human body, the Gooch is, none the less, an area that is worthy of your attention.  

Hot, sticky, and sweaty

The human frame's nether regions can be prone to inclement weather, particularly during the hot, muggy months of summer.

During this period of the year, it's quite common for uncouth terms such as swamp ass and monkey butt to be bandied around. 

Heat equals sweat. And when sweat and even more heat come together in the confined space between your balls and ass, it's only natural that some stench can make its presence felt if you're not too careful.


overweight sweaty man


Unfortunately for the Gooch, this stench is not due to the balls or the ass. It is, in fact, the doing of poor old Gooch, as it here where the accumulated sweat between the balls and ass settles down and forms into what some people refer to as duck butter.

Luckily, grooming products are of an abundance these days. And the Gooch can be salvaged quite respectfully with a thorough and ongoing cleaning regime. A close shave would also be highly recommended to avoid any rapid relapses.


happy sak moisture control


The saving of the Gooch is splendid news for everyone. This is an area of the body with so much more to offer than merely being the producer of an unholy sludge.

Is a man's Gooch sensitive? 

The Gooch is that it is an incredibly sensitive area. This high level of sensitivity led to it being included in the infamous Kinsey Report of the 1940s. The good Doctor Kinsey officially defined the Gooch (he probably said Perineum) as a male erogenous zone. 

Now that the nasty part is all cleaned up and out of the way, it's time to move onto the many positives of the eternally misunderstood strip of prime real estate that is the Gooch.

Sorry, ladies, but the Gooch was defined as an erogenous zone for men and not women because this area becomes especially engorged with blood during sex for men. 

While this might be a bit of a downer for the females, it makes the Gooch an excellent place for couples to focus on during the act of sweet, sweet love. Men can certainly have their interactions heightened by introducing a vibrator, prostate massager, or pulsator to the Gooch during sex. 

It is also believed that working on strengthening the Gooch can help men to fight off that oh so deadly of sins known as premature ejaculation. There is a whole trove of pelvic exercises floating around in the inter-sphere that will cover you on this count. Male Kegels happens to be one of the more popular ones!

Want to learn about male kegels?

There are more sexual benefits to kegels than you can imagine. Read our guide on male kegels .

Kegel exercises for men


Working out the Gooch will not only help to ward off the devil (aka premature ejaculation), but it will also help you hold in your urine. While this might not seem like the most pressing of concerns in your younger years, you will appreciate it later on in life when half of your old crew are rocking diapers.

Longer sex, no adult diapers, and still, the Gooch has even more to offer. Focusing on the health of your Gooch is also said to improve your girth when it comes to getting it on. And there are very few men alive who would say no to a little extra weight in the lunchbox when it's time to perform.

Perhaps the crowning glory of the Gooch is its close proximity to the holy grail that is the prostate. This really is an area that should be fully explored by couples who want to arrive at maximum satisfaction levels. Arousing the Gooch through anal sex will almost certainly lead to next-level pleasure. And for those who are a little wary of having their back doors breached, a stimulating Gooch massage aka external prostate massage could act as a good substitute, or even as the key to unlocking inhibition.


external prostate massage

For an area that is so frequently overlooked, the Gooch is actually a veritable treasure of opportunities. And now that you understand this, you must start to show it some love and attention. All that sensitivity in those nerve endings is a blessing, but that could also be a curse if you don't take proper care of the Gooch.

Peloton addicts, be warned; it's time to get out of the saddle. Excessive cycling can have seriously detrimental effects on the old Gooch. 

Respect the Gooch

The Gooch will never be the sexiest part of anyone's body, but it is definitely an area that has been unfairly ignored for too long.

The eyes, the face, those luscious locks; these everyday indicators of beauty will always take center stage, and that's obviously before the clothes come off. But it's pretty clear from what's been broken down above that the Gooch should be neglected no more.

It is not, nor will it ever be, one of our beautiful anatomies' most cherished areas, but the Gooch deserves some time to shine. And it's about time that couples everywhere showed the Gooch some respect. Doing so will almost certainly bring great rewards to those who dare to break the mold and unleash the hidden power of the Gooch.

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