Yes, there are risks but most of these can be avoided by following the instructions closely and making sure you don’t over-pump. The head is the most sensitive part of the penis so you need to take extra care when you are using a pump that concentrates solely on this area.
As with regular penis pumps, there are some pretty common side effects for those that are new to using penis head pumps. Skin discoloration, small blisters, and temporary numbness of the penis tip are the most common issues. These will all heal naturally so long as you refrain from pumping until your body has completely healed. No matter how tempting it might be! If you don’t take a break from pumping, you are going to cause more damage than good.
Another pretty common side effect of penis head pumping is the doughnut effect. While this can also happen using a regular penis pump, it is much more frequent for users of penis head pumps. The doughnut effect is a symptom of over-pumping and is a result of too much lymphatic fluid being drawn into the head of the penis along with the blood.
This can create a swollen, redhead that is overly sensitive and painful. It will go away naturally too and is nothing to worry about. But, you do need to stop pumping until your cock goes back to normal.