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Getting Length with Penis Extender 

Penis extenders offer a scientifically backed way to add permanent inches to your cock. Don’t get us wrong, there are plenty of legitimate ways to make penile gains (though some are temporary while others are permanent).

These include plumping creams, penis pumps, and cock rings. But penis extenders are one of the most effective and lasting solutions. It’s always recommended to try these before settling on dangerous pills or invasive and risky surgery.

If they’re so good, why aren’t extenders talked about as much as other male enhancement products? The answer is that they need time, dedication, and persistence to deliver the results. We’re talking months here, rather than days or even weeks. And we live in a world where most of us want things instantly or a quick fix. 

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How do Extenders Work?

The device consists of two rings that are placed at the base and head of the penis. These rings are linked by two thin, extendable traction bars that run along the length of the penis. Higher-end models have a soft ‘comfort ring’ that fits inside a head-ring—both of which hold the of your dick in place.

Comfort rings are made from soft materials such as foam to make wearing much more comfortable.  Extending the bars over time increases the stretch and traction, promoting the length gains you’re looking for.


 penile traction device

They are so effective because they apply a constant, measured stretch (or traction) to your member. This creates tiny tears that heal through mitosis (cell separation) and cytokinesis (cell division). You might have heard of cytokinesis if you go to the gym. The same process builds muscle mass. In fact, that’s where the expression “getting ripped” comes from. But unlike bodybuilding, the results of penis stretching are permanent.

But it’s not just your skin cells that multiply, oh no! If that were the case, you’d have a long dangling dick that didn’t change an awful lot when you got hard. The spongy tissue inside your dick that’s full of blood vessels also goes through the same process during penis stretching. And, as the number of blood vessels increases, the potential size of your hard dick does too.

That means that guys who use these penile stretching devices will see growth while their penis is soft and when it’s erect. As such, you can feel more confident with your dick at all times. Whether that’s packing a bigger bulge in your trousers or stripping off in the changing rooms. Or, of course, getting down to some loving with your partner.

penis length

How To Use a Penis Extender: Step by Step Instructions

  1. Get warmed up. You need to give your dick a light rub so that it’s at its full limp size. Don’t go overboard and get hard. For once, you don’t want a stiff dick stiff (there’s plenty of time for that later when you’re showing off the results).
  2. Select the right traction rods. If you’re using a top-end penis extender, it will come with a selection of different sized traction rods. Pick the one that’s the best fit for you—not the size that you want to achieve. 
  3. Insert your dick into the penis extender through the base ring right up to the base of the penis. Don’t trap your balls in there!
  4. If your extender has one, place the soft rubber comfort strap on the head of the penis. Gently tighten the head ring so that it’s firm enough to keep the head in place, but not so tight that it’s painful. If you’re feeling pain at any point, you’re not doing it right. Stop, reread the manufacturer’s instructions and make sure you follow them.
  5. Once your dick is secured, you’ll need to adjust the amount of pull on the extender. This was the ‘traction’ part of Penile Traction Therapy. Increase or decrease the traction by turning the little knobs on the two extendable bars. Don’t over-stretch, especially at the start. We can’t emphasize this enough. You must be comfortable for as much as 42 hours a week, so you don’t want to over-extend or push yourself too far, too fast. 
  6. Get your timing sorted. Start off for the first week or so with four hours at the most—split over two or three daily sessions. Once you get used to the feel, then you should increase it to five or six hours for the best results.
  7. Give your penis time to relax after stretching so that it can recover. So no jerking off or sexual encounters for an hour or so. We know you’re going to want to test out the newest gains, but you need to be patient—for a little bit longer!

Interested in male enhancement methods and products?

Some helpful advice on safety and a few warnings 

When it comes to male enhancement, guys want instant results. But you have to be in it for the long game with penis extenders—and prepared to work at it for up to six months. We’ve created an eight-point guide to help you get on track. It provides you with a framework for a manageable routine and all the advice you’ll need to stay safe:

Pick a premium penis extender.

Before you make any purchases, take a look at the materials your extender is made from. Any plastic components should be medical or professional grade polymer. 


male edge extender


Set realistic expectations and goals

Penis extenders offer proven results. But those results are finite and will be different for every man. In one study, men who used penis extender every day for six months saw the length of their flaccid dicks increase by 32%. They also saw increases of up to 36% in size when they were hard[1].

So an average guy with an average 5.16-inch dick[2] could expect gains of around 1.8 inches. That would give him a dick that’s almost 7 inches long. We’re sure you’ll agree that’s pretty impressive. Some studies point to gains in girth of around a third of an inch per month too[3]

Other research suggests gains of around an inch in length. Even at the more modest end of the spectrum, that’s still a great result and worth the time and commitment. Remember, you can only stretch so far before you cause damage to the quality of your erection. In extreme cases, you may lose the ability to get hard at all.

daily routine

Devise a daily routine that you can stick to

The best results came from a study in which men wore them for four to six hours every day for six months. So you need to work out a daily routine that you can stick to. Consider the following points before you trying:

  • Don’t wear them in bed: Movements, while you sleep, can cause pain and damage.
  • Don’t wear a penis extender while playing sport or exercising.
  • Try to avoid wearing them while driving. Some guys find it challenging to get in and out of a vehicle. Others find it uncomfortable on a long journey.

These restrictions or precautions mean that a lot of guys end up wearing their devices at work. That’s not as strange as it might first sound. Most modern penis extenders are designed to be comfortable and unnoticeable.

Make slow, gradual increases in the stretch and the tension

We talked at the start of this article about mitosis (cell separation) and cytokinesis (cell division). These processes can only work with the smallest of tears and the most gradual of extensions. Some men find it helpful to take regular measurements and record these gains. We’d encourage this, as you should have a definite, achievable goal in sight. You should also know when you’re on track and when you’ve succeeded. This is one time when it pays to be methodical—even bordering on scientific.

Don’t stop when you reach your target

Instead, reduce traction time and tension over a month or so. If you don’t do this, there’s a chance your penis will ‘heal’ and you’ll lose some of those hard-earned gains. This is why you need to allow around six months in total to see the very best results.

Wear the right clothes

Seriously guys. This is important. Penis extenders are designed to be worn with underwear and pants. Loose-fitting garments are better if possible, but are not essential. 

They are a serious medical device

Don’t confuse penis extenders with penis pumps. Some guys and their partners get turned on by inflating their cock. So they have often been treated a sex toy as well as a male enhancement product.

Penis extenders are not designed as sex toys and should never be used in that way. This could result in serious harm to you and your partner.

Make the most of your gains

Penis plumping cream and cock rings will help add further temporary length and girth. Add some delay spray or cream so your enhanced cock can go for even longer before you shoot your load. It will amplify the intensity of your sex and climax for you and your partner. Once you’ve reached your goal, you might consider a penis pump for further temporary enhancement too. 

In the end, we know size isn’t everything. It’s how you use what you have that’s going to determine how well you please your partner. Still, no guy we’ve ever met would miss out on the proven opportunity to add an extra inch or so to his dick. So what are you waiting for—start your extending routine today. 

[1] Wiley - Blackwell. "Penile extender increased flaccid length by almost a third, clinical study reports." ScienceDaily, 10 March 2009

[2] Whats the average penis size?

[3] Effect of penile-extender device in increasing penile size in men with shortened penis: preliminary results

[1] Noninvasive methods of penile lengthening: fact or fiction?

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