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Anal sex has been considered one of the more taboo sexual acts until recently. However, with butt play becoming more accepted in our sex lives and between every kind of couple—including more and more straight men and women—it's adding an extra spark to more people's sexual repertoires than ever.

Long gone are the days of anal pleasure being associated only with gay men, as this study in PLOS ONE journal revealed: Data from this U.S. nationally representative survey provide descriptions of and prevalence estimates for three techniques women have discovered to make anal stimulation and penetration more pleasurable: Anal Surfacing, Anal Shallowing, and Anal Pairing.

The Environmental Research and Public Health journal
 goes a step further in their study about the prevalence of anal stimulation. After adjusting for age, number of partners and sexual practice, anal sex was associated with being ≥35 years, receiving rimming and performing rimming. Rimming and anal sex are practiced by one-fifth or more of heterosexuals.

For those unsure about anal exploration, you don't have to penetrate the butt to feel good; there are plenty of other ways to enjoy anal play and all the pleasure those mass of nerve endings surrounding the anus deliver.

Rimming, ass-eating, and butt-licking are just different ways of describing oral for your anus, and if you've never eaten ass or had your ass eaten, we think you should give it a try.

Why introduce anal play to your sex life?

There are many ways anal stimulation can add to your sex life:

  • It feels good
  • It can be a huge turn-on
  • It's a great addition to foreplay
  • It's a leading sexual fantasy
  • It can boost the intensity of orgasms

All you need to know now is how to get the best from your bedroom butt-play, and with our fifteen top rimming tips, you're in just the right place.

1. Be Curious and Explorative

While curiosity may have killed the cat, it's also responsible for some of the greatest additions to our everyday lives and the way we learn. As long as your current partner is up for a little healthy exploration, finding out what you both like can take as little as an open conversation and some careful touching.

Exploring new sexual activities adds creativity to sex and may even lead you to easier-attained orgasms, as this study in the journal Sexual Medicine revealed: Findings demonstrate that adults ages 18 to 59 engage in a diverse range of behaviors during a sexual event and that greater behavior diversity is related to ease of orgasm for both women and men.

Mastering anal exploration and curiosity

  • Communication is key when exploring all types of new sexual adventures. Be open and honest about what you like, why, and where your red flags and hard-nos are.
  • Employ a traffic light system where green means 'more,' amber means 'go easy,' and red means 'stop immediately.'
  • Agreeing on an appropriate safe word is crucial, especially in role-playing situations where stop and no might appear as part of the script.
  • Begin with tender touches, tender tickling, and light licking. Not only will this stimulate the nerve endings around the anus better, but it will also allow you to build from a safe, sensible, and comfortable start toward the amount of pressure or penetration your partner prefers.

2. Hygiene and Proper Butt Cleaning are Essential

One of the biggest concerns with anal sex and butt play is hygiene—and with good reason. Our butts harbor various bacteria, so a nice clean ass limits the chances of transmitting infections. Without proper care, fecal oral transmission post engagement is a possibility that is easily avoided with appropriate attention.

The anus is self-cleaning, so as long as you've given yourself enough time since your last bowel movement, the inside of your butt should be good to go.

Giving the external areas a good wash will ensure the rest of your butt is just as clean and ready for action. A clean ass should taste of nothing more than your partner's natural body, and a thorough wash will provide just that.

Mastering anal hygiene and butt cleaning

  • Never engage in any kind of oral sex if you have small cuts, mouth ulcers, open gums, or other scratches, cuts, grazes, or wounds in or around the mouth.
  • Wash the rectum thoroughly with hot soapy water before any kind of anal activity.
  • For extra peace of mind, insert a finger a few centimeters into the rectum to ensure it's clean at a 'tongue deep' depth.
  • Don't forget to wash your hands and clean your fingernails, too.
  • Showering together before sex ensures everyone is clean and ready to go, as well as providing an extra round of foreplay.
  • To avoid spreading bacteria around sensitive areas, rinse your mouth with mouthwash and clean your face with antibacterial wipes after rimming and before kissing or penile or vaginal oral sex.
  • If you're concerned with the taste or infection transmission when rimming, use a dental dam or open condom for protection.

3. Know the Basics of Douching

For further confidence, or when you're anticipating that your ass-eating may lead to anal sex, many people feel more comfortable by douching. Douching works by squirting a little warm water into the anus (using a bulb or enema-specific product), holding it inside for a short time (around five to fifteen seconds), and releasing it into the toilet.

Mastering douching for a rim job

  • Don't overdo it: Putting too much water in your anus or douching too often can interfere with your body's natural processes.
  • Don't start your sex play straight after douching: Allow your body a little time to settle down and for any trapped water to work its way out.

4. Diet is Important

To maintain a naturally clean anus, diet can play a key part. A nutritional diet promotes healthy digestion and bowel activity. By eating nutritious and nourishing foods, you're less likely to experience stomach upsets, excess gas, or loose bowel movements—none of which are conducive to enjoyable anal play.

Mastering your diet for rim jobs

  • Ensure you get plenty of natural fiber (typically from fruit and vegetables) to boost your internal cleaning processes.
  • For people with low-fiber diets, consider taking fibrous dietary supplements to boost those low levels.

5. Trace Circles with Your Tongue

While straight licking can provide plenty of pleasure and sensation to your partner's ass, mixing up your technique will heighten it. Working your tongue in a circular motion around those highly sensitive nerves while varying the speed and pressure will add to the receiver's experience.

Mastering your rim job technique

  • Mix up your technique by alternating between a flat tongue, a pointed tongue, licking, lapping, sucking, and probing the tip of your tongue deeper into your partner's anus.
  • Switching between light and heavy licks stimulates different sensations.
  • Use your lips, gently kissing your partner's butt, especially when your tongue would benefit from a break.

6. Take Your Time to Get There

Building intensity takes time and patience, so don't rush things. Take your time with foreplay, caressing and kissing the inner thighs and cheeks before you get to the main event.

Mastering rimming patience and timing

  • Saliva dries the skin, so if you're planning to penetrate the anus, apply plenty of lube after licking.
  • Also, the anus can lose sensation over time, so mixing up rimming with other sex and foreplay acts can ensure plenty of pleasure throughout the session.

7. Approach The Asshole Slowly with Your Tongue

Building the tension is a great way to warm up your partner before finally eating their ass hole. Once you let your tongue loose on your partner's butt, take things easy. Start by teasing slowly in a circular motion and build your play from there.

Mastering the art of anticipation

  • Slow and steady helps build sensation.
  • Starting slowly also helps your partner acclimatize to a rim job if they're at all nervous about anal contact.
  • Build the mood by building pressure, speed, and sensation.

8. Learn to Identify your Partner's Pleasure Signals

While communication is key to great sex, there's a time and place for a full rundown and discussion. Sometimes, you just need to read the signals, and learning what they are means paying attention to your partner's non-verbal cues.

Mastering communication through body language

  • Listen for excited moans and groans.
  • Feel for sudden movements and your partner pushing against your mouth.
  • While it may be tricky in certain positions, maintaining eye contact can provide essential clues.

9. Keep the Lube Close

Lube is a superb addition to almost every kind of sexual activity. It adds sensation, eases entry, and provides extra playful slipperiness when essential areas start to dry out. And, for those a little squeamish about putting their tongue in their partner's bum, it provides a variety of alternative flavors and tastes, too.

Mastering lubrication

  • Flavored lube can help with those concerned with the taste of their partner's ass.
  • Adding lubrication with its slippery sensation makes additional touching with fingers feel more like a tongue when you need a rest.

10. Touch Them as you Perform the Rimjob

Touching your partner's ass while eating it can add stimulation. Given how many super-sensitive nerve endings are in and around the anus, it would be a real shame not to trigger them with a little extra touching, tapping, teasing, and tickling.

Mastering different types of stimulation and touch

  • Just as with any sex act, exploring rimming takes time and communication. Discuss what you do and don't like before, during, and after your play sessions. Tell your partner how you like to be licked and probed, and ask them to let you know what turns them on, too.
  • Explore different parts of your partner's body while rimming. A healthy slap to a butt cheek, holding their penis, rubbing the clitoris—most men and women will enjoy a little extra attention while you work their ass.

11. Use Breath and Blowing

As you explore your partner's anus and find out what makes their perfect rim job, you can utilize more than just your touch, your tongue, or the tip of your finger. Hot breath or a cooling blow can deliver an alternative sensation.

Mastering alternative stimulation techniques

  • Licking and blowing on your partner's hole can be a big turn-on, just like licking and blowing on nipples.
  • Blowing on your partner's ass also gives your tongue a rest when it needs a break.

    12. Mix Up Your Favorite Positions

    There are plenty of creative positions to try that allow clear access to your partner's butt. The only way to find out which ones work best for you is to try them and see.

    Mastering alternative rim job positions

    • Forward and reverse face sitting.
    • Spread eagle.
    • Doggy style is a classic for a reason: it allows ideal access and comfort and to easily spread your partner's cheeks.

    13. Don't be Afraid to Take a Break

    Sometimes, you just need a quickie, getting right down to business when you're already incredibly turned on, and at others, it's about those long, slow sensations and extended bouts of pleasure.

    If you're planning a lengthy rimming session, don't be afraid to take a break; just make sure you've got a few ideas ready to fill the gaps.

    Mastering marathon rim jobs

    • Use your hands, fingers, and favorite toys when your tongue needs a break.
    • Try breathing on their butt; it might be their favorite thing.
    • Lubed up, slippery fingers can feel like a tongue.

    14. Physical and Emotional Aftercare is Essential

    As anal play was once considered taboo, it's essential to take the time to check in with your partner afterward. Emotional aftercare includes providing the reassurance your partner may need and showing them the greatest of respect and plenty of care.

    Mastering rim job aftercare

    • Physically, you should practice the same level of washing and personal hygiene after rimming and any other anal activity as before.
    • Emotional support and unpacking everything that happened in your session will help bring you closer as a couple.

    Unpacking what happened while exploring sexual fantasies and taboos can have a big impact on emotional connection and closeness.

    Conversational aftercare helps you connect at a very personal and intimate level: Overall, dyadic fantasizing was associated with heightened desire and increased engagement in relationship-promoting behaviors.

    Relationship perceptions explained the link between dyadic fantasies and relationship-promoting behaviors, suggesting that such fantasies benefit the relationship by enhancing partner and relationship appeal.

    15. Relax and Enjoy Yourself

    It's unlikely anyone will enjoy themselves if they're nervous or uptight about what's coming. The best thing to do is try to relax into the situation as much as possible, expect things are unlikely to be perfect the first time, and enjoy the exploration and any new sensations.

    As with many sexual pleasures, it may take a little practice to reach the dizzying heights you or your partner desire.

    Returning to the study, we find: Indeed, 56.1% of women did not find Anal Surfacing to be pleasurable the first time they tried it, but rather enjoyed it more over time. Similarly, 67.7% of women who now enjoy penetrative anal touch did not find it pleasurable at first, but rather came to enjoy it over time.

    Mastering your inner chill

    • Hope for the best, but be prepared for a few hiccups or surprises.
    • Enter the experience with an open mind, go with the flow, and be prepared to let loose if and when the mood takes you.


    Following our tips will help you become the expert ass eater that will leave your partner trembling, weak in the knees.

    With so many exciting sensations packed into our behinds, it's a wonderful activity to explore, master, and enjoy.

    As long as you take your time getting used to each other's likes and desires and pay attention to the required level of personal hygiene, there's no reason why this once-taboo act shouldn't lift your sexual pleasure to the next level.

    Our Commitment to Quality Information

    Navigating the information landscape, our blog prioritizes human touch and accuracy. We use these elements as our compass:

    • Content for humans, by humans
    • Research and fact-checking
    • Reference to reputable sources
    • Collaboration with Experts

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